Thursday, October 15, 2015

Your First Aid Checklist When Camping in France (part 2 of 2)

First Aid Checklist

It will be best to prepare for the worst when you engage yourself at camping activities, especially when you have your whole family with you. You should be prepared to handle minor mishaps that could happen because of the excitement and unfamiliarity that surround the location. Usually, if you have kids with you, you must be able to handle scrapes and cuts. To make sure that you will be able to emerge fit for all the challenges that you will be faced with during your trip, here are some more things that you can add up on your first aid checklist.

1. Medicines for headaches, muscle pains and anti-diarrhea. You should also bring the pills that you use if you have allergies and the likes.

2. Antiseptic ointments and creams.

3. Pointed tools like knife and tweezers. You must also bring your own scissors.

4. Lotions and creams intended for sunburn relief.

5. Different sizes of gauze and bandages.

6. Rinse solutions and sterile wipes to avoid infection when anyone of your family members got hurt.

When you have everything in place on your first aid kit, you will be able to enjoy and get the most out of your camping in France quest.

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